Travelling with babies can be tricky – you need to have everything you require close to hand, but what exactly does that consist of? Today we’re going to look at a few handy items (outside the usuals!) that are ideal for having with you when you’re away from home with your babies for an extended period – especially those things you might need for a long car journey.


One of the first things to bear in mind is that travelling with children, especially young babies, is going to take longer. Getting organised can take longer, and when you’re driving stops will often have to be more frequent so your baby can continue to be fed and changed regularly. Factoring this into your plans can mean the drive can be a more meandering, relaxed one if that’s what is needed, and giving toddlers and older children the chance to stretch their legs and run off a bit of the energy that can build up over the course of a long car ride can help with potential crankiness. With this in mind, you’re probably going to need clothes – not just for while you’re away, but while you’re travelling. Having a small bag with a change of clothes or two for your little one and yourself can be something you’ll appreciate later, especially if you’re travelling a long distance. Forgetting to take a top to change into once the inevitable happens and you find yourself covered in baby food, milk, or worse can make for a less than pleasant journey. Make sure you’ve got plenty of nappies easily to hand (not just packed away in your luggage!), as well as a mat to change bubs on. Surfaces in some public changing areas or toilets can leave much to be desired; having that mat available so you can change nappies in the car is a great option. You can also grab a bottle of Haakaa’s Healthy Home Sanitising Spray! This handy little bottle is a gentle yet powerful antimicrobial sanitiser – ideal for around the home or when you’re out and about and want an added protection layer. Simply spray onto a clean, dry surface and allow to dry!





If you’re spending some time away, having a good bedtime routine can be vital to help your kids transition from one place to another. One idea that can help is taking your own bedding – babies, especially very young babies, can often have a very strong sense of smell, so it can be much easier for them to settle if their bed smells like their bed rather than a new one. Alternatively, if that's not possible, putting a shirt you've been wearing underneath their sheet can serve the same purpose – just make sure it's tucked nice and safely away so they don't get tangled in it. Going through your usual bedtime routine – whatever that looks like for you – can give them a sense of continuity. They recognise what is happening, which can trigger their bodies to move into sleep mode. One handy item to help with these routines is the Sweet Dreams Lotion Balm. Made from coconut oil, shea butter, beeswax, and essential oils of lavender & chamomile, this Lotion Balm is specially formulated to help soothe and settle your baby, letting them drift off to sleep – it makes for a great post-bath massage. The fragrance is gentle to avoid your baby’s delicate skin from being irritated, and the coconut oil and shea butter leave skin soft and moisturised. Getting started on routines like this makes transitions to new environments that much easier!





How often have we gone away, only to find we have to buy a new toothbrush because we left ours at home? That’s where Haakaa’s Kids Oral Care Set is so convenient. Not only does it have three specially designed toothbrushes to see your child through three stages of oral care – from cleaning their first teeth right through to learning how to brush on their own – but they come in a sturdy storage case complete with a 100% cotton flannel to help with keeping their routine mess-free! The case makes it super easy to just grab it and go, packing it away with your other toiletries. The toothbrushes are all made from 100% silicone, making them amazingly easy to clean and sterilise no matter where you are – just pop them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes!





Kids get sick, no matter the season, no matter where they are, and a blocked or runny nose is one of the most common illness-related situations we have to deal with. When it comes to clearing noses, Haakaa have a few options for you to choose from. First is the Electric Baby Nasal Aspirator. This aspirator uses gentle yet effective power suction to clear your child’s runny nose, and cycles through three different strengths to clear even stubbornly blocked nasal passages. It even comes with two different sized easy-to-sterilise silicone tips – one for babies aged 0-12 months and one for children aged 1-6 years. To recharge, simply plug in via the USB cable.





If you’re somewhere where recharging your Nasal Aspirator might prove difficult, the Easy-Squeezy Silicone Bulb Syringe is a fantastic alternative! Simple to use and easy to clean, you can control the suction by adjusting the pressure you use on the body of the bulb. It’s only two pieces, so just pop the top off to clean and sterilise!





In a similar vein to the Easy-Squeezy Syringe is the Silicone Penguin Nasal Aspirator. This one comes with a unique dual-valve design, making it easier than ever to clear your child’s nose, while making sure all the mucky stuff stays safe and sound inside the aspirator. It also includes a tube cleaning brush to make sure you can quickly and easily clean it each and every time you use it!





Finally, what to do when you only have one pair of shoes, and it’s wet and muddy outside? Buying new shoes isn’t often an option, and keeping toddlers’ feet away from the allure of puddles can be easier said than done. So why not try the Kid's Waterproof Shoe Covers? Coming in two sizes – medium, for 2-4-year-olds, and large, for 5-8-year-olds – these reusable covers slip on over your child’s shoes to keep them clean and dry. Made of 100% silicone, they’re easy to wipe or rinse off, and the textured non-slip soles prevent falls. To top it all off, each pair comes with a storage bag to keep you prepared no matter the weather!




This is, of course, not an exhaustive list. Nor is each item required for every family – you’ll know your own needs best. What are your can’t-leave-home-without items?