This blog is written by Aliza Carr fromΒ Bumpnbub.

Today we want to address a common Haakaa pump question.

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First of all, there is no right or wrong answer here – but it’s important to clarify that you may not necessarily NEED to pump – every mama has different circumstances on her feeding journey. There are also differing opinions from health professionals on when a woman might start pumping if she chooses.

Generally, if feeding is going well and mum chooses, exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for at least the first 4-6 weeks so that mum's supply can begin regulating and that there is no nipple confusion between breast/bottle when trying to establish breastfeeding.

However, there are circumstances, when mums may need to pump shortly after birth (once their milk comes in, hand expressing is recommended for colostrum):

〰️ Baby isn’t latching to the breast.
〰️ Baby is premature, and fed through a tube
〰️ Baby + mum are separated (e.g. NICU)
〰️ Mum has a true low supply and is pumping after feeds
〰️ Baby isn’t gaining adequate weight and mum is breastfeeding, then pumping to increase supply and β€˜top baby up’ under the guidance of health professionals.

Or, mum may simply choose to pump from the get-go!

Some mamas may choose to exclusively pump, meaning their babies are fed from a bottle from day one. Your midwife can provvide support & advice here. For the first 2-3 days, hand expressing is generally recommended as colostrum is thick and not easily expressed by a pump.

Once a mamas milk β€˜comes-in’ if she is exclusively expressing, it’s generally advised to pump 8-12 times in a 24 hour period. The Haakaa pump can be used from this time.

If you have any questions about which route is right for you, chat with your health professional for guidance.

This blog was written and reviewed by Aliza Carr (Midwife & Perinatal Mental Health Specialist) from @bumpnbub and Courtney Garland (RN & IBCLC) from @mamalinc. Follow them for more educational content on birth, bubs, breastfeeding and more!


Originally posted 15 October 2021 on Instagram

Haakaa Gen 2 Breast Pump and Flower Stopper