It’s a new year! The sun is shining (or, depending where you are, the snow is falling), and – just maybe – you’ve got some significant changes coming into your life. That might be a brand new baby or other changes as your wee one progresses through the many different stages of development. Today, we’ll look at some things you might find helpful to have on hand from before baby arrives to toddlerhood!


Before Baby

Sometimes, before your baby arrives, you might need to express colostrum and store it for after the delivery. Your midwife or other maternity care provider will discuss this with you, but if you do need to, there are a couple of options. Traditionally, colostrum is collected using single-use syringes, often alongside plastic spoons. These are rigid plastic and not the most comfortable to use. They also need to be discarded after use, adding to the piles of plastic waste around the world. Luckily, the Haakaa Silicone Colostrum Collectoris the perfect alternative! Being made from silicone rather than plastic, it’s soft – making it more comfortable for both you and baby – and it’s easy to sterilise after each use, meaning you can use it as often as required. Even better, the same Colostrum Collector can collect, store and feed your baby, all without having to transfer it between containers (or from spoon to syringe).




Nipple cream can be an absolute lifesaver for those who are breastfeeding, but did you know you can start using it before your little one arrives? Our Nipple Cream is 100% ultra-pure medical-grade lanolin and is made right here in New Zealand. Apply it twice a day during pregnancy to moisturise your nipples and areolas, leaving your skin soft, supple and ready to deal with the rigours of breastfeeding. Once bubs is there, you can continue using your Haakaa Nipple Cream whenever you need to – there is no limit on how often it can be applied. To use, just let your nipples air dry after a feeding session, then put on a pea-sized amount. You might find it easier to rub it between your fingers to warm and soften it. Reapply as you need. There’s no need to wash your nipples before the next feed, either (though if you’ve put it on quite thick, you might want to remove some just to make it easier for baby).





You’re probably already very familiar with the Haakaa Pump – it’s where we got started, after all. But there’s another popular product that is an absolute lifesaver for many mums, and that’s the Ladybug. Leakage and let-down are things that many breastfeeding mothers have to deal with, and you have options as to how to deal with them. Traditionally, breast pads (also known as nursing pads) were the go to. These could be disposable or reusable, and they work by soaking up the leaking milk. This does, however, mean that milk will either be thrown out or washed away. There is an alternative, though, and that’s the Ladybug Milk Collector! Rather than losing that precious milk that your body has already put all that effort into producing, you can instead pop the Ladybug into your bra, collect what’s leaking out anyway, then add it to your stash. There are also other uses for that milk, if you’d prefer – there’s a whole host of other uses breast milk can be put to. The Ladybug comes in three different sizes, so you can grab the one that matches how much milk you leak – if there’s only a small amount, the 40ml will be all you need. If there’s lots, the 150ml might be what you’re after. And if your leakage is somewhere in between, the 75ml could be perfect!




Often, in those early days of breastfeeding, we can run into issues. One of the more common ones is the development of blocked ducts. Getting those blockages cleared as quickly as possible is essential, as an untreated block can lead to pain, swelling, inflammation and potentially mastitis. Haakaa’s Warming Breast Massager is a wonderful way to unclog ducts and is super easy to use. Switch it on using the vibration mode that suits you best. Use the pointed end in the area of the blockage, carefully massaging the area to help break down the block. Of course, there’s more you can use this massager for. Its two heat modes are great for encouraging let-down or dealing with general discomfort. Each edge can be used to massage in different ways, so it doesn’t matter how you prefer to hold it; it’ll still do a great job! The heat and vibration settings can be used together or independently of one another, while the soft silicone will protect your skin. Finally, this massager is waterproof, so you can even use it in the shower. And once you’re no longer breastfeeding? It can be used to massage your feet or back!




Teething & Feeding

Once teething time arrives (which can be much earlier than expected!), you’ll need a teether of some description, and our Silicone Clover Teether is an adorable version! Each leaf has raised bumps and ridges to help your little one ease the discomfort that teething can so often bring, while the leaf design is easy to chew and hold. As with all our other teethers, the Clover Teether is made of 100% food-grade silicone, so it’s simple to clean and sterilise. For a little bit of an extra boost, you can also pop it into the freezer to chill it, giving bubs that extra level of cooling relief.





Once it’s time to start solids, you’ll need something to help with that. And given it’s (the Southern Hemisphere) summer, the Freeze-N-Feed Mini Combo perfect way to get started! In fact, it’s so useful you can even use it before introducing solids. This combo comes with our Fresh Food Feeder and a dedicated mini version of our Pineapple Nibble Tray. If you’re using it before solids (and your baby has the coordination to hold it), it can be a perfect way to soothe teething gums or just cool down on those hot days. Freeze some of your breast milk in the tray, then pop a portion out of the compartment and put it into the Feeder! And if you have started – or will be starting – solids, you can do the same with any of the foods you choose to introduce. And because it’s 100% food-grade silicone, you can even bake special baby treats directly in the tray, so you’ll always have the right-sized portion to put in the Feeder.

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